Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

A New Dawn: Renaming the Light and Dark Sides of the Force

By admin Aug 15, 2024

Since the first Star Wars movie, the terms Light Side and Dark Side have been popular and so far they are used to define good and evil, order and chaos. But what if the terms which are familiar to us from the Star Wars series were not interpreted in a narrow-minded way but allowed to embody a more liberal approach to the Force? Here, nevertheless, are other suggestions for the new names which may provide a different outlook on the old conflict but do not change the spirit of the Star Wars.

1. This is the Luminary Path versus the Abyssal Path

In this renaming the ‘Light Side’ is referred to as the ‘Luminary Path’ where the main element of the Force is enlightening, knowledge, and searching for harmony. The inhabitants of the Luminary Path would rather bring lightsabers of knowledge, and light sides of the Force with peace and good will. On the other hand, the “Dark Side” gets the transformation into the Abyssal Path – the concept of power, lust, and appeal of evil. As mentioned before, the Abyssal Path is for those who want to use the wild and primal Force at their own distinct expense and/or for the sake of their ethics.

2. The Harmonious Force & The Tempestuous Force

This renaming stresses out the duality between order and entropy within the Force. The Harmonious Force depicts a balance with the force and embraces the way of the force that is balanced and serves a greater purpose. The Tempestuous Force on the other hand represents the side of the Force that is represented by the dark, tempestuous characteristics of passion, emotion and power at the cost of sanity that is inherent in it.

3. The clear water Current vs. The stirred up water depths

Here the ‘Light Side’ is renamed the Serene Current, the name referring to a smooth unagitated state of the waters, bringing light and order back as well as the ability to heal. For the followers of the Serene Current the Force is still a subtle yet tangible presence, helping others with kindness and patience of the Sage. At the same time the ‘Dark Side’ which translates to power translates as The Turbulent Depths it is associated with the adverse effect and often depicted as force that is volatile, threatening, volatile, mysterious and could yield great might or devastation. The conceptualization of the Turbulent Depths is based on those who plunge into the abyss and still ignore everything that might be dangerous to get what they want.

4. The Radiant Aspect: The Lighter Side of Life The Shadowed Aspect: The Dark Side of Life

In this approach the simplification of the two sides of force is narrated under the light and dark aspects. The last symbol is linked to The Radiant Aspect which is the idea of the light side of the Force, which contributes to hope, life, and justice. Devotees of the Radiant Aspect are light in the darkness of the galaxy; they are the purveyors of the truth. The Shadowed Aspect corresponds to the Evil, the Dark Side of the Force which is laid behind the veil and controls people through Fear and these people hide something and want to become powerful. In turn, the Shadowed Aspect fans are mostly smart, tactical, and realistic, who do not shy away from the use of force and subterfuge if needed.

5. Proactive Harmony against Reactive Disorder

Last but not the least you have the Enlightened Flow which is the symbolic way of stating you have the blessings of the force. If the railroad is followed, people are depicted as knowledgeable sages, who are helping the galaxy to advance towards a better future. The Chaotic Surge on the other hand resembles the unpredictable aspects of the force when it is used with no certain checks or balances. This is the chaotic, opulent energy that can build to greatness or to ruin and often will drive its hosts to ruin if they aren’t cautious.


In changing the names of the Light and Dark Sides of the Force, there’re new ways of approaching the Star Wars franchise. Every single name adds to the understanding and the depth of the Force, which is not just a universe with good and evil, but choices, the results of such choices, and the philosophies behind them that dictate the future of the galaxy. Whether one takes the walk of the Light Side of the Force represented by the Luminary Path or embraces the dark side of the Force as represented in the Abyssal Path, the journey through the Force is always a journey of the soul.

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By admin

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