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The Galactic Clash: This is a TF2 and Star Wars Fanfiction

By admin Aug 9, 2024
Start warsStar wars

Chapter 1: A Dimensional Rift

The environment of the Dust Bowl, which was filled with gravel, was surprisingly quiet. The RED team was just reaching their base after what could be considered a rather tough fight against the BLU team. The Medic who was attending to the Heavy’s injuries observed some strange vibrations from the outside world.

“Doctor, do you hear that,” queried the Heavy in his taped Russian voice.

“Ja, but I do not recognize it,” said the Medic wiping his glasses after putting them on once again.

They didn’t have the time to examine it more closely when suddenly a bright light blinded them and instead of the screen in front of them a whole portal formed. From the midst of the turbidity emerged a man-like being in Black armor who seemed to breathe through a mask attached to a cyclinder.

Chapter Two: Darth Vader’s Mission

Darth Vader had found the feeling of what we now know is the Force, a feeling that guided him to this new strange planet. When he looked at the members of the RED team who stood before him looking quite perplexed, he understood that he had come to a place of confusion, similarly to the Empire he wished to master.

“You will serve the Empire,” Vader stated himself and his words sounded like a command.

The RED team, usually mischievous was not deprived of ideas and responded in the following ways. What are you blokes saying? The Pyro asked squatting down while the Demoman frowned and took a sip of his bottle. It was the Scout, who never hesitated to gate charge, that spoke next.

“And who is this stupid jester? Are you intending to say that you are beaten, you loser?”

Vader’s patience was thinning. Angering he quickly and with a turn of the wrist pulled the Scout towards himself using the Force and putting him on the halt.

‘Do not underestimate the power of the dark side as the force will soon overcome all that you know,’ Vader told her.

Chapter 3: The Alliance

At the same time, the members of the BLU team noticed the increase of the energy level and oriented on it to focus on examinations. They were greeted by an even stranger sight: This movie is a story of a band of renegades from a galaxy actually, very, very far away. Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo and Chewbacca pursued Vader through the rift, to prevent the plan he concocted.

“Coy, it seems that we have ourselves a team up”, said Han as he glanced at the number of weapons and gadgets that the blue team possesses.

Curiosity getting the better of him, the Engineer went up to R2-D2, the most ingenious looking droid around. “Do not mind it at all,” said the boy, “You can take a look at that contraption, partner.”

“Beep boop beep!” the star Wars droid answered as it rolled forward excitedly.

These chapters have been designed to coexist and to be explored simultaneously; however, the present chapter will be exclusively devoted to depicting the main conflict of Dust Bowl.

Chapter 4: The Battle for Dustbowl

Vader had soon come to the understanding of how the technology of the TF2 universe was dangerous and could be used to initiate strife in the galaxy. He started his preparations that would use the primitive form of energy source Australium that exists only in this world.

In this mission, natural opponents RED and BLU have to cooperate with the Rebels to defeat Vader. SD and Chewbacca finally become an effective team, which was weird since SD was more of a rubber ball. The sniper and Leia shot and scuffled with the storm troopers; the storm troopers fell swiftly like dominoes.

In one of the last stand, Luke got a chance to fight with Vader, in Dustbowl, the fight—consisting of a lightsaber duel—was intense and continued.

“You should not waste your strength here, father, these people will never obey you and the Empire,” Luke replied, dodging his blows.

“Then they will be destroyed,” Vader said, grabbing Luke’s throat with a wave of red Energy.

Chapter 5: A New Alliance

Thus, the Engineer and R2-D2 did it and only their wit helped to save them in the film. They were able to seemingly shut down the portal generator that Vader was using and the portal collapsed, pulling Vader and his troops back to their side.

Ultimately, RED and the BLU teams joined the Rebels in celebration of their new victory together, but a few still could not shake the feeling that something much more severe was waiting for them all in the immediate future.

“You folks ever need help in your galaxy, just look us up,” the Soldier told the Rebels, snapping a salute.

Leia simply smiled and said, “We could always use more heroes around here, you should go, the Force will be with you.”

And with that the Rebels went back to their galaxy, not bothering the mercenaries of TF2 who continue to fight each other eternity with stories of stars and heroes of another world.

Read more:

Star Wars: The Battle of Jedha – A Worthwhile Read for Fans

The Art of “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back” in 4K Wallpapers

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